
El Dorado Dry Lakebed Elopement | Rachel & Ian

Rachel and Ian’s El Dorado Dry Lakebed elopement was something truly magical! With nothing but the two of them, their officiant, and a photographer, they tied the knot. The El Dorado Dry Lakebed was beautiful around them, providing a simple backdrop for their nuptials.

El Dorado Dry Lakebed Elopement

Living and photographing couples in Las Vegas means that I see my fair share of elopements. But every single one of them is different and so special. Rachel and Ian’s was no exception. Rachel wore a beautiful gown with details along the top and down the arms and Ian wore a simple blue suit. With a gorgeous, simple bouquet in Rachel’s hand and a small boutonnière for Ian, their outfits were complete. There were no frills, nothing fancy or elaborate. Just the two of them. And it was beautiful!

After a short ceremony by Berlynn of Desert Nomad, it was time to celebrate with portraits! We popped some champagne and captured the two of them as husband and wife. I always try to encourage my couples to just be in the moment as much as possible. Feel the feelings and LOVE it! It allows their portraits to be that much more magical.

Boulder City Elopements

For Rachel and Ian, living and being in the moment meant being relaxed and having a ton of fun. Who can argue with that? We captured some fun portraits of them with their sunglasses, and even some donuts in their car. I absolutely loved the way that Rachel and Ian looked at each other on their wedding day. Nothing but pure love and excitement for all that lies ahead of them.

Elopements are such a powerful way to focus on what really matters about being married: each other. I am so honored every time I’m asked to be a part of these memorable days!

Officiant: Desert Nomad

Recently engaged? Let’s chat! I’d love to hear about your dream wedding (or elopement!) and how I can help bring it to life!

  1. […] capture their beautiful ceremony and a few portraits around their home, as well as with their sweet girls. Then it was time to eat! […]

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